Transferrin, Rat Plasma
16-16-032001-ratMW: 80,000
Buffer: 20 mM NaH2PO4, pH 7.4, 150 mM NaCl
Form: Lyophilized
Transferrin is a monomeric glycoprotein found in plasma at an average concentration of 250 mg/100ml. The specific iron-binding protein in plasma, it has a role in the transportation and distribution of iron among the body organs, in iron metabolism and in prevention of iron loss via the kidney. Stored in bone marrow as TF-bound iron, it also possesses bacteriostatic and fungistatic activity. Clinically, decreases in transferrin are observed in congenital disorders, newborns, inflammatory diseases, hypo-proteinemias and nephritic syndrome; increases are found in pregnancy, iron-deficiency anemias and inoculation hepatitis. Transferrin is required by all types of cells in cultures for maximal growth. It is, therefore, an important factor used in defined culture media.
Storage: <= -20ÂșC
Purity: >= 98% by SDS-PAGE.
Prepared from rat plasma.
Country of Origin: Rat plasma was obtained from healthy animals of US origin and under the care of a registered veterinarian.
Athens Research & Technology products are laboratory reagents and are not to be administered to humans or used for any drug purpose. For research use only.